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Twitter Censorship

Updated: Jan 22, 2022



Robert W Malone, a pioneer in mRNA technology has been suspended from Twitter --probably for not conforming to Big Pharma’s line, as expressed by the American Hi-Tech super cartel of social and corporate media, and tech companies -- to which Twitter belongs. I say "probably" because Twitter never explains its bans.

Let us be clear: Malone is NOT an antivaxxer. He has been vaccinated himself.

He argues that the coronavirus family --popularly --if incorrectly --called “COVID19”-- does not put children and young people at risk as much as the mRNA vaccines and also the AstraZeneca vaccine which use technologies never used for this purpose before.

Statistically speaking he is correct.

Malone advocates vaccinating ALL co-morbid --or older people who are at risk from COVID.

In the case of co-morbid people, the danger of vaccine side effects rises -- but the virus is a much, much worse threat. Older people—over 50 – however, experience few problems.

Malone has is a legitimate argument, which needs to be discussed.

“Cancelling” him tends to label him as an “antivaxxer” when he is anything but


Worse, it boosts the zombie anti-vaxxer argument, always ill-informed, conspiracist reactionary and unscientific, distracting us from the important issues that Malone’s carefully nuanced and scientifically accurate statements raise.

The neo-luddite AntiVaxxers say “See, they are banning one of the most knowledgeable people on the planet, as far as mRNA vaccines are concerned. Why? What are they hiding? What is their agenda?” And from these points, which are of course, true they can jump to less-true notions, such as government mind control and institutional fascism, and from there to such absurdities as all vaccines are harmful.

Let us look at these questions …

Why is Malone being censored?

Simply because he drawing attention to the problems of mRNA vaccines, which are a matters of documentable fact, especially their experimental nature and their reliance on technologies about which there is little scientific consensus. Malone knows about this better than anyone. Just because a technology is new does not mean it is better, despite what Amerikans believe.

Big Tech cannot force people to take vaccines—not directly. Nor can governments. But they can convince and coerce --laundering media narrative so vaccines seem the only answer, in other words, they can “manufacture consent”. Or, so they think.

Because in this case--with transparent attempts to censor -- they are really not manufacturing any kind of agreement with their positions but dissent instead.

Underlying everything is neoliberalism itself. The most successful form of fascism ever invented, since it convinces people they are free when they are not, a kind of mass hypnosis.

What are they hiding?

Big Tech, as I said, is a cartel, just like the drug cartels in Columbia--and in some ways more dangerous.

Big Pharma is also part of an odious cabal to which Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, the corporate media and various mega corporations belong. One for all. All for one. The "one" part of this being the One Percent.

Malone was previously banned on Linkedin for noting the conflict of interest involved in the Chairman of Thomson Reuters sitting on the board of Pfizer.

As a molecular biologist, Malone has been taught to be skeptical, skepticism being the basis of all science -- so he questions the safety of an experimental vaccine.

Whistleblower reports indicate that Pfizer and Moderna have been fixing the results of trial tests, at least in some cases, while making sure that vaccines, such as Sputnik and the Cuban vaccines which offer competitive efficacy, are cheaper and offer greater safety do not reach the markets of the American Empire.

What are they hiding?

Naturally, Big Pharma is working hard to undermine whistleblower legislation, not that hard in the US and UK, which sees truthtellers as enemies of the state.

So, Twitter has risen to the challenge of enforcing his opinion. If you Google Malone, you will also see a lot of anti-Malone propaganda in the corporate media, although some of it like the Wikipedia article on him is quite subtle since it is factual but one-sided, noting criticism of his views but not support.

There is a Malone "narrative", just as their is a Russia "narrative and a China "narrative.

Control the narrative—control people’s minds—and actions. How we understand anything is all about information. And most people rely on media for information.


Bill Gates, who is the second largest funder of the WHO after the US, is on the record as urging world governments to punish anyone who questions vaccine mandates, which of course Malone is doing.

Admittedly, Gates’s “agenda” is more altruistic than Big Pharma’s – which is transparently, just profit whereas for Gates it is a matter of philosophy.

Gates has all the money he needs, but he subscribes to Steven Pinker’s Hobbesian, neo-Calvinist theories of human nature which are the Bible of the corporate world (and which I have dealt with elsewhere)-- namely that human beings are born not so much evil as brutes – at least most of them—identifiable by not having a billion dollars. These animals need to be controlled by their betters. They need to be trained. That’s neoliberalism rationalizing fascism.


So what is Twitter’s (and the media's) agenda?

For Twitter, it is a kind of virtue signaling by its new CEO.


To whom? To Big Pharma and Gates and the US elites, of course.

I do not agree with Malone. I would argue that no Pandemic can be controlled except through universal vaccination. Smallpox killed a billion people until we got a vaccine.

Universal vaccination would mean, however, lifting intellectual property protections and enforcing mandatory vaccinations, which, of course, would not be possible without socialized medicine, to ensure safety. Medicare for profit is ultimately an ethical contradiction.

Every vaccine has a risk factor—as do all treatment regimens—for all diseases. Yes, aspirin can kill. And overdosing during the Spanish flu' killed thousands.

It is also true that, unlike the polio and smallpox vaccines, the current COVID vaccines do not offer long-term or complete immunity, Better results would only come if the US and other developed countries would share data and give up patent protection.

But does Big Pharma want its cash cow, COVID, to go away? The profit motive is sociopathic.

Universal vaccination and the development of really effective vaccines would require global cooperation, if only because this family of viruses was generated by globalization. Worse-- our world-spanning mega-societies have created a perfect cosmic petri dish to conjure up something a lot more fatal. Without worldwide collaboration, the virus will continue to thrive, mutate and adapt.

A pandemic virus is at war with the human race. No one gets to opt out in this battle. Refusing vaccines is refusing to fight. Don't be a coward. Get vaccinated. Get your kids vaccinated.

That said, we have to look with a critical eye at hi-tech solutions while at the same time encouraging testing and criticism -- and, if necessary, opting for the kind of the tried and true solutions that the Russians and especially the Cubans have innovated.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


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